Our EU-funded project is separated into 8 thematic Work Packages which have generated the research that you see showcased in this web site. Although our web site content is not structured by Work Package, many of our Milestones and Deliverables are PU and are made available through Open Source.

WP1: Coordination and Project Management (led by USTAN)
The objectives of WP1 are to undertake all project management activities for the smooth running of the project.
WP2: Technology and Innovation for Bi-Regional Integration (led by MNA/DGPC)
By allowing local community museums to create a network with other similar organisations, in both LAC and EU, our project, and in particular this work package, will significantly promote and aid the development of mutual knowledge and understanding of peoples, through digital (namely web) and physical in situ means. Museums are an invaluable tool in this process due to their capacity to connect the remote/digital with the present/physical understanding of the world, both in terms of its similarities and diversities.
The global objectives of this work package are, consequently, the following:
- To empower partners with the necessary technological bases and tools so that they can fully participate in the project activities;
- To create the technology to allow the project to communicate with all potential users: institutional professionals, communities and the general public;
- To develop new technologies for museums or, preferably, to find novel ways of implementing tried and tested technologies in other social domains, putting them to the service of community museums’ missions and communities’ expectations.
WP2 is coordinated by participant 3, the Museu Nacional de Arqueologia, Portugal (MNA/DGPC). The lead partner will construct both the databases and the web portal and will assist all partners in downloading its contents. Partners will introduce themselves in the database, and all contents they consider to be relevant for the project goals. When requested by partners, the lead partner will also upload contents already in existence on the web or any social media. The lead partner will also maintain the portal, refresh it regularly (typically, every month), and will have recourse to contents existent in the database. Finally, the lead partner will provide a translation of texts in the portal, in such a way that all relevant contents are made intelligible to the general public.
WP3: Chile Case Study (led by UACh)
1) Technology
- Create a register of human resources, infrastructure and handling (administration) of the entirety of the network of museums in the region of Los Rios, in order to strengthen transversal cooperation between community-museums-university in relation to science and technology.
- Information generated by the consortium EU-LAC museums will be exploited to establish appropriate enhancements in the studied museums (case studies). This will be achieved through participative insertion of digital technologies and educative capacities to aid museum’s in the register, storage and conservation of collections, handling of energy or digital media for promotion and creation of an audience.
2) Sustainability
- Analyse the way museums can be trained (local history) in insertion and handling of heritage resources in three or four communal, rural and small-scale museums in the region of Los Rios, in relation to its local, natural and social environment.
- Determine the use value of museums in creating and managing heritage and historical and environmental resources, with consideration of their maintenance and socio-economic benefit in the localities they are inserted. This aims to generate major cooperation and integration in the network of museums at local, regional, national (ICOM-Chile) and international (consortium EU-LAC museums) level.
3) Education for Social Inclusion and Cohesion
- Characterize and promote the statements about historic and family memory, cultural identity and material/immaterial heritage which are emitted by the museums of the Region of Los Rios, and other museums situated in member countries from the EU-LAC Museum Consortium. Pursuing the promotion of ancestral knowledge, the bi-directional transmission of knowledge and principles between the communities-museums-universities, and strengthening the working relationship of the network of Museums.
Compare and communicate the educative resources of members of the network and members of the consortium EU-LAC museums, which are used (and are available or can be developed), the strategies of insertion/dissemination of knowledge that every analysed museum promotes, and the way they attract and integrate locally and regionally.
WP4: Museum Education for Social Inclusion and Cohesion (led by USTAN)
In this section of our project, we aim “to promote the Horizon2020 goal of fostering inclusive, innovative and reflective societies” by researching state-of-the-art initiatives in museums and community empowerment, and then move beyond these initiatives to implement and evaluate our own innovative bi-regional community education project in the form of an EU-LAC Youth Exchange. Our aim is to both transform individual lives within museum communities, and to create a method of implementation and evaluation that will be applicable to wider regions. Herein we focus on museum education involving academic research into community museology. It seeks to answer the following key questions in community museology:
- How can we define “community museums” and “sustainability” in bi-regional context?
- What are the most important changes our small-scale museum communities are experiencing in EU and LAC?
- What are the most cutting edge initiatives of museums to promote social inclusion and cohesion in each region?
- How can small-scale regional museums gain agency in promoting best practice amongst museums and policy makers on a global stage?
Within this work Package we are also producing a Virtual Museum, led by the School of Computer Science in St Andrews. The EU-LAC VM includes the outputs from intergenerational 3D workshops held in 9 countries. Please see the dedicated section on the EU-LAC VM in this website to see our results.
WP5: Innovation and Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Museums (led by UVEG)
The objectives of WP5 are to pursue the EU-CELAC Actions of “Sustainable development; environment; climate change; biodiversity; energy”, AND “Investments and entrepreneurship for sustainable development”, as they relate to the museums of Valencia and the surrounding region, as follows:
- Sustainability: The incorporation of innovatory processes and results in the management of the museums and, in general, of the cultural heritage, conceived as the territory's resources and important factors of sustainable territorial development.
- Investment and entrepreneurship: The generation of instruments aimed at the political, technical and entrepreneurial actors, which facilitate the management of the Museum spaces: closed (museums) and open (cultural parks or Museum spaces).
- Sustainability, investment and entrepreneurship: Design actions that allow the establishment of a protocol to facilitate the presentation of the final products related to the management authorities. Analyse the possibilities and alternatives of official-institutional recognition of management tools developed in the project.
WP6: Peru Case Study (led by PUCP)
The primary objectives of WP6 are to pursue the EU-CELAC Actions of “Sustainable development; environment; climate change; biodiversity; energy”, “Regional integration to promote social inclusion and cohesion”, “education to promote social inclusion and cohesion”, and “technology and innovation”. These actions will be implemented in the context of Trujillo and Lambayeque, by implementing two pilots in four museums: Chan Chan, Huaca del Sol y La Luna in La Libertad in Trujillo, and Sican and Tucume in Lambayeque. As outlined in the section “Concept” above, we consider that museums can contribute significantly to the cultural, educational and economic development of a community by recovering, valuing, and conserving, community memory. Our objectives are as follows:
- Sustainability: To carry out pioneering research into the Trujillo and Lambayeque local and regional museums on how to achieve long-term sustainability, and to foster sustainable development in these areas to strengthen local community. The involvement of local authorities in developing policies and instruments for long-term initiatives will be essential to combat vulnerability in the community and its territory.
- Regional Integration for Social Inclusion and Cohesion: To research two different museum models within Peru, and to evaluate research findings alongside case studies from other collaborating countries in the EU-LAC-MUSEUMS consortium, especially Chile, and Valencia. This objective will foster cultural identity, and increase regional integration through supporting confidence in community identities, , achieved through activities in museums, other public spaces, and workshops.
- Education: To disseminate research findings amongst local communities, to educate them in making their museums socially, economically, and environmentally sustainable. This objective will increase awareness of citizenship.
- Education & Technology: To promote ancient and traditional knowledge about these museums and their collections through the project Web Portal in work package 2, by contributing data on objects, oral histories, and audiovisual material on Peruvian culture, according to the project model.
WP7: Exhibiting Migration and Gender (led by UWI)
The global objectives of this work package are :
- To construct and develop the research agenda, network and schedule enabling the project to compile, produce, share new research resources with all potential users, either institutional professionals, or as communities and pubic in general.
- To empower institutional partners within the EU_LAC project with the necessary digitisation and communication technology training and tools allowing them to fully participate in and support the development of a virtual museum of the migration experience/s as informed by the experiences and trajectories outlined.
- To conceptualise and develop new interpretation resources, utilising both historical and contemporary contracts (both memory and art based) in the development of travelling exhibitions and associated educational resources, making available through partnership arrangements with museums as identified.
WP8: Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation (led by MNA/DGPC)
The EU-LAC-MUSEUMS consortium is united in its commitment to maximizing the impact of our project through communication, dissemination and exploitation to all potential users, both professional and public. A particular focus will therefore be placed upon the enabling devices of technology.
Note that the Web Portal is created within WP2 (Technology and Innovation), and that activities within the present WP8 are designed to exploit the innovations of this Web Portal.
The objectives of this work package are:
- To disseminate research results to all potential users, especially academic and museum communities in partner countries;
- To ensure awareness of the results amongst international museum professionals through the networks of ICOM.
- To support collaboration with policy makers in museums in LAC through a large international project Conference in
- To engage the general public with the EU-LAC-MUSEUMS project;
- To define individual exploitation plans;
- To manage existing and new intellectual property relating to the project;
- To maximize the impact of our research findings;
- Internal communication inside the consortium.