Tangible or Intangible
Intantigle | Inmaterial | Imaterial
Image credits | Créditos de imagen | Créditos de imagem
Ioannis Drinis, 2009 in Unesco ICH website
Title, name | Titulo, nombre | Título, nome
Mediterranean diet
Short description | Descripción corta | Descrição resumida
The Mediterranean diet involves a set of skills, knowledge, rituals, symbols and traditions concerning crops, harvesting, fishing, animal husbandry, conservation, processing, cooking, and particularly the sharing and consumption of food. Eating together is the foundation of the cultural identity and continuity of communities throughout the Mediterranean basin. It is a moment of social exchange and communication, an affirmation and renewal of family, group or community identity. The Mediterranean diet emphasizes values of hospitality, neighbourliness, intercultural dialogue and creativity, and a way of life guided by respect for diversity. It plays a vital role in cultural spaces, festivals and celebrations, bringing together people of all ages, conditions and social classes. It includes the craftsmanship and production of traditional receptacles for the transport, preservation and consumption of food, including ceramic plates and glasses. Women play an important role in transmitting knowledge of the Mediterranean diet: they safeguard its techniques, respect seasonal rhythms and festive events, and transmit the values of the element to new generations. Markets also play a key role as spaces for cultivating and transmitting the Mediterranean diet during the daily practice of exchange, agreement and mutual respect.
Community or culture | Comunidad o cultura | Comunidade ou cultura
Practitioners, Autor | Practicantes, Autores | Praticantes, Autores
Museum | Museo | Museu
Place | Local | Local
Country | País
España, Portugal
Language | Idioma
Video | Vídeo
Video credits | Créditos de vídeo | Créditos vídeo
Câmara Municipal de Tavira, 2012 in Unesco ICH website
Audio Credits | Créditos de Audio
3D object | Objeto 3D
3D Credits | Créditos 3D
Text | Texto
Text credits | Créditos del texto | Créditos do texto
Record date | Fecha de registro | Data do registo
Image 1 credits | Créditos imagen 1 | Créditos da imagem 1
Ioannis Drinis, 2009 in Unesco ICH website
Image 2 | Imagen 2 | Imagem 2
Image 2 credits | Créditos imagen 2 | Créditos da imagem 2
Image 3 | Imagen 3 | Imagem 3
Image 3 credits | | Créditos da imagem 3Créditos imagen 3
Image 4 | Imagen 4 | Imagem 4
Image 4 credits | Créditos imagen 4 | Créditos da imagem 4
Origin, history | Origen, historia | Origem, história
Associated heritage | Patrimonio asociado | Património associado
Cross reference | Referencias cruzadas | Referências cruzadas
Present condition | Condición actual | Estado actual
Threats | Amenazas | Ameaças
Safeguard | Salguardia | Salvaguarda
Bibliography | Bibliografía | Bibliografia
Source | Fuente | Fonte
Type of object | Tipo de objeto | Tipo de objecto
Domain | Dominio | Domínio
Please select
Category | Categorías | Categoria
Please select | Seleccionar
Materials & techniques | Materiales y técnicas | Materiais & Tecnicas
Measurements | Medidas
Aditional info | Información adicional | Informação adicional
Domain | Dominio | Dominío
Nature and the universe | naturaleza y el universo | Natureza e universo
Category | Categoria
Kitchen, food and stimulants | Cocina, comida y estímulos | Cozinha, alimentação e estimulantes
Periodicity | Periodicidad | Periodicidade
Transmission | Trasmisión | Transmissão