Tangible or Intangible
Intantigle | Inmaterial | Imaterial
Image credits | Créditos de imagen | Créditos de imagem
Savignan RP, 2000 in Unesco ICH website
Title, name | Titulo, nombre | Título, nome
Short description | Descripción corta | Descrição resumida
Maloya is a form of music, song and dance native to Réunion Island. Of mixed racial origins since its outset, maloya was created by Malagasy and African slaves on the sugar plantations and was eventually appropriated by the whole of the island’s population. Initially conceived as a dialogue between a soloist and a choir accompanied by percussion instruments, maloya exists today in an increasing variety of forms, both in terms of texts and instruments (the introduction of djembes, synthesizers, drums, etc.). Sung and danced on stage by professional or semi-professional artists, it is mixed with rock, reggae or jazz and inspires poetry and slam.
Community or culture | Comunidad o cultura | Comunidade ou cultura
Practitioners, Autor | Practicantes, Autores | Praticantes, Autores
Museum | Museo | Museu
Place | Local | Local
Réunion Island
Country | País
Language | Idioma
Video | Vídeo
Video credits | Créditos de vídeo | Créditos vídeo
Imago - RFO in Unesco ICH website
Audio Credits | Créditos de Audio
3D object | Objeto 3D
3D Credits | Créditos 3D
Text | Texto
Text credits | Créditos del texto | Créditos do texto
Record date | Fecha de registro | Data do registo
Image 1 credits | Créditos imagen 1 | Créditos da imagem 1
Savignan RP, 2001 in Unesco ICH website
Image 2 credits | Créditos imagen 2 | Créditos da imagem 2
Savignan RP, 2001 in Unesco ICH website
Image 3 | Imagen 3 | Imagem 3
Image 3 credits | | Créditos da imagem 3Créditos imagen 3
Image 4 | Imagen 4 | Imagem 4
Image 4 credits | Créditos imagen 4 | Créditos da imagem 4
Origin, history | Origen, historia | Origem, história
Of mixed racial origins since its outset, maloya was created by Malagasy and African slaves on the sugar plantations and was eventually appropriated by the whole of the island’s population. Initially conceived as a dialogue between a soloist and a choir accompanied by percussion instruments.
Associated heritage | Patrimonio asociado | Património associado
Cross reference | Referencias cruzadas | Referências cruzadas
Present condition | Condición actual | Estado actual
300 documented groups, including a number of world-famous artists, and by specialized music teaching at the Conservatoire de la Réunion.
Threats | Amenazas | Ameaças
social changes and disappearance of its main exponents and the practice of venerating ancestors.
Safeguard | Salguardia | Salvaguarda
Bibliography | Bibliografía | Bibliografia
Source | Fuente | Fonte
Type of object | Tipo de objeto | Tipo de objecto
Domain | Dominio | Domínio
Please select
Category | Categorías | Categoria
Please select | Seleccionar
Materials & techniques | Materiales y técnicas | Materiais & Tecnicas
Measurements | Medidas
Aditional info | Información adicional | Informação adicional
Domain | Dominio | Dominío
Performing arts | Artes performativas
Category | Categoria
Collective Rituals | Rituales colectivos | Rituais colectivos
Periodicity | Periodicidad | Periodicidade
Transmission | Trasmisión | Transmissão