International Council of Museums

Representing the global museum community


Consejo Internacional de los Museos

Representar a la comunidad mundial de los museos

ICOM’s network of members is structured in committees working in cooperation. The 119 National Committees ensure that interests of the organisation are managed in their respective countries and contribute to the implementation of the organisation’s programmes.

The Regional Alliances are forums designed to promote dialogue among the National Committees of a given region.

The 30 International Committees are global think tanks bringing together experts in different museum specialties.


La red de miembros del ICOM está organizada en comités que colaboran entre sí. Los 119 Comités nacionales garantizan la gestión de los intereses del ICOM en sus respectivos países y contribuyen a la realización de los programas del ICOM.

Las Alianzas regionales son foros dedicados al diálogo entre los Comités nacionales de una región determinada.

Los 30 Comités internacionales son centros mundiales de reflexión que reúnen a expertos en especialidades museísticas.

Museums and Community at ICOM

Thanks to its network of museum experts in all specialties, ICOM regularly tackles the topic of museums and community in its worldwide activities including research, publications, conferences and debates.

EULAC MUSEUMS project was conceived under the auspices of ICOM in 2014.

Another recent initiative is the 2016 Milan cooperation Charter “Ecomuseums and cultural landscape”, which was developed as part of the 2016 ICOM General Conference wich took place in Milan, Italy, by a group of cultural professionals engaged in community -based projects for heritage management, aimed at local development.

The Charter seeks to gear the actions of museums towards shared objectives and foster cooperation between ecomuseums and community museums.


Museos y Comunidad en el ICOM

Gracias a su red de expertos de especialidades museísticas, ICOM regularmente aborda el tema de los museos y la comunidad a través
de sus numerosas actividades mundiales tales como la investigación, publicaciones, conferencias y debates.

El proyecto EULAC MUSEUMS fue concebido bajo los auspicios del ICOM en 2014.

Otra iniciativa es la Carta de cooperación de Milano 2016 «Ecomuseos y Paisajes Culturales», fue desarrollada en Conferencia general del ICOM 2016 (Milano, Italia) por profesionales de la cultura comprometidos en proyectos comunitarios de gestión del patrimonio para el desarrollo local. El objetivo es orientar las acciones de los museos hacia objetivos comunes y fomentar la cooperación entre el mundo de los ecomuseos y de los museos comunitarios.



Museums for Social Inclusion and Cohesion

Characterize and promote the statements about historic and family memory, cultural identity and material/immaterial heritage which are emitted by the museums of the Region of Los Rios, and other museums situated in member countries from the EU-LAC Museum Consortium. Pursuing the promotion of ancestral knowledge, the bi-directional transmission of knowledge and principles between the communities / museums / universities, and strengthening the working relationship of the network of Museums.

Technology and Innovation for Bi-Regional Integration

By allowing local community museums to create a network with other similar organisations, in both LAC and EU, our project, and in particular this work package, will significantly promote and aid the development of mutual knowledge and understanding of peoples, through digital (namely web) and physical in situ means. Museums are an invaluable tool in this process due to their capacity to connect the remote/digital with the present/physical understanding of the world, both in terms of its similarities and diversities.

Fostering Sustainable Community Museums

EU-LAC-MUSEUMS seeks to carry out out a comparative analysis of small to medium-sized rural museums and their communities in the EU and LAC regions, and to develop associated history and theory.

Exhibiting Migration and Gender

To empower institutional partners within the EU_LAC project with the necessary digitisation and communication technology training and tools allowing them to fully participate in and support the development of a virtual museum of the migration experience/s as informed by the experiences and trajectories outlined.
To conceptualise and develop new interpretation resources, utilising both historical and contemporary contracts (both memory and art based) in the development of travelling exhibitions and associated educational resources, making available through partnership arrangements with museums as identified.

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Galleries of 3D Artefacts

Objects, following certain criteria, are picked by museum staff to either be 3D scanned or photogrammatised. Scanning can be done only if the necessary equipment is available, which lends photogrammetry to be the preferred affordable method. Images are sent through open source software that creates a 3D file which then can be archived and uploaded to a social archiving site such as Sketchfab. As a social site, Sketchfab tracks a user’s followers, views and comments. All digital objects appear in a video player which can be embedded in websites easily.

EU LAC Virtual Museum

Created specifically for the EU-LAC MUSEUMS project by the University of St Andrews, the EU-LAC MUSEUMS Virtual Museum is a major research outcome that assembles digital media of cultural heritage; making it easy to access and use. 3D digital objects, 360° museum tours and community discussion videos populate the Virtual Museum as content generated from the 3D Workshops, held in three European, three Latin American and three Caribbean countries. By creating digital content from community museums all over the world, the heritage, objects and stories can be shared and appreciated by a global audience.

Tangible & Intangible database

One of the objectives of this initiative is to encourage small community museums to contribute to a global online inventory.
In community museums, the exhibited objects represent (or are part of) an intangible cultural heritage. We propose the creation of a database that integrates an object-oriented inventory with an intangible cultural heritage-oriented inventory.

The contents of the website will be easier to search and access if we place all the cultural heritage (tangible and intangible) in a single database, even though the registration fields are not all the same for these two types of cultural heritage. In addition, an item placed in the database may contain a publication, several image files, a video file or an audio file. Or just one of these elements.


Bibliography of Museums, Community and Sustainability [Database + PDF]

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